As Thach Setha was arrested by law enforcement forces on the orders of the investigating judge a few days ago, a statement showing that the Candlelight Party supports the arrest of Thach Setha was posted by Facebook users, and it was reacted to by mixed comments by Facebook users who are speaking Khmer. However, fact-finding by Fact Crescendo Cambodia found that Facebook users make false claims on Facebook.

Social Media Claim

On January 17, 2023, a Facebook user recently posted a photo depicting a statement bearing the seal of the Candlelight Party. The above statement confirmed that the arrest of Thach Setha, the vice president of the Candlelight Party, is correct and not involved in politics at all. Social media users have shared this claim many times, along with various expressions and reactions.

The following is a snippet from the Facebook page above that reads in Khmer or translates in English as “Arrest Setha is the right thing.”

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Fact Check

Fact Crescendo Cambodia started reviewing the photos and claims above through a statement issued by the Candlelight Party that leads us to discover the following truth.

The Facebook page of the Candlelight Party, published a statement on January 16, 2023, states in its statement that Thach Setha's arrest on January 16 was a political story and a picture of intimidation. The Candlelight Party also condemned Phnom Penh authorities for his arrest.

The following is a snippet from the website above that reads in Khmer or translates in English as “Statement on the arrest and detainment of Thach Setha, vice president of the Candlelight Party on January 16, 2023”.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

The above case was also published on the VOD local news website on January 18, 2023. It was reported that “Candlelight Party: Statement that Thach Setha's arrest was irrelevant to the political story is a fake statement.”

VOD News Report | Archived Link

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You may find the details of this fact-check in Khmer language here as well.


Fact Crescendo Cambodia finds that the photos and statements of the above Facebook users are false. A statement from the Candlelight Party confirmed that Thach Setha, arrested on January 16, was a political story and a picture of intimidation.


Title:A Fake Statement Says the Opposition Supports the Arrest of Its Leader

Fact Check By: Kakada Sim

Result: False