After the former Pursat governor Khoy Sokha died last week, a viral claim on social media said the current governor of the province had died last weekend. The claim has been shared many times with various comments and reactions. However, after an interview via a phone call with a provincial official, we find out the claim is false.

Social Media Claim

A claim circulated on social media by a Facebook user said the incumbent Pursat provincial governor died on the night of last Sunday.

The claim had been shared many times by Khmer-speaking social media users, while many others commented and reacted to the claim.

Below is the capture of the claim circulated on Facebook last Sunday: “Pursat governor died last night, 19/02/2023.”

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Fact Check

Fact Crescendo Cambodia began verifying the claim above by interviewing the province governor and reviewing his activities shared on social media in recent days. Then, we find out the facts below.

Pursat – a province located in the western part of Cambodia – has been governed by Khoy Rida – former deputy governor of Battambang province – since November last year when Cheav Tai resigned from the post due to health conditions.

Fact Crescendo Cambodia reached out to the incumbent governor Khoy Rida, but Nop Nat – who declared himself as an assistant to the governor – said Rida was in the meeting.

Nop Nat, who said he is a provincial official in charge of handling complaints and requests from the public, dismissed the claim, saying it is fake news.

He added that the governor is fine, totally reverse to the social media claim. Please listen to clarification from the official who explained to Fact Crescendo Cambodia in a phone call yesterday.

Archived Link

Nat also said the current governor’s elder brother Khoy Sokha – a former governor of the province and a lawmaker – died last week at the age of 71 years old. According to an announcement released last Sunday by the official Facebook Page of Pursat Provincial Administration, the funeral procession ended on Monday.

A Facebook post by Khoy Rida, confirmed by Nop Nat, shows the province governor wearing a black uniform, led the funeral procession of his elder brother on Monday.


Fact Crescendo Cambodia found out that the claim mentioned above is false. The incumbent governor of Pursat province, Khoy Rida, is fine, not as what was claimed on social media. Former Pursat governor Khoy Sokha – a lawmaker and elder brother of the current governor – died last week.


Title:A False Claim Says the Incumbent Pursat Governor Died Last Weekend

Fact Check By: Jay Udom

Result: False