Just days after he left Buddhist monkhood, a claim circulated on social media said ex-venerable San Sochea got immediately married. The claim was circulated with a photo showing a woman holding him on the day he left the monkhood in Australia. It had been virally shared and commented on. However, after an interview with the woman, we found the claim is false.


A claim circulated on social media in late May said former Buddhist monk San Sochea got immediately married a woman after he left the monkhood on May 21.

The claim was circulated with a photo showing him and a woman holding each other on the day he left the monkhood in Australia.

The claim had been shared many times and commented on by Khmer-speaking social media users along with a mixture of reactions.

Below is the capture of the claim circulated on Facebook on May 27, saying “Thank to spirit, he immediately got married after leaving the monkhood.”

Facebook Post | Archived Link

The similar claim was also circulated on social media by other Facebook users after San Sochea becomes an ordinary man.

Below is the capture of the social media claim saying a woman holding him is his girlfriend who has had secret affair for years, and then open to public after he left the monkhood.

Facebook Post | Archived Link


Fact Crescendo Cambodia began debunking the claim by reviewing any clarification from the former venerable and the woman. Then, we found the facts below.

In his official Facebook page, venerable San Sochea announced his leaving from Buddhist monkhood which would happen on the eve of May 21 in Australia.

Just minutes after he took off his Buddhism robes in a Khmer Buddhism pagoda, Sochea was greeted and held by his mother and relatives.

Fact Crescendo Cambodia had tried to reach out to the former venerable San Sochea for clarification and comments, but no responded.

We also found a Facebook page named San Chanthy lived the video of his monkhood departure at that day. The page uploaded several photos showing a woman holding San Sochea along with a caption saying she hold her brother.

Below is the capture of the Facebook post saying “Today I hold my brother. This is the first time I hold him. Here are photos before and after monkhood departure.”

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Responding to Fact Crescendo Cambodia, San Chanthy who claimed the owner of Facebook page said she is biological sister of ex-venerable San Sochea. She added Sochea is her second brother of the eight siblings including five sisters.

Chanthy also stated she is a married woman having a nine-year-old son and residing in Australia. She also referred to videos she uploaded on her Facebook page.

Below is a video she uploaded on her Facebook page depicting her walking together with her mother, younger sister, and San Sochea.


Fact Crescendo Cambodia found the claim mentioned earlier is false. The woman holding former venerable San Sochea on his monkhood departure last month is one of his eight biological siblings.


Title:A False Claim Says San Sochea Immediately Married After Leaving Monkhood

Written By: Jay Udom

Result: False