Noy Vanneth is one of Cambodia’s veteran artists who are away from the spotlight. Then, a claim that went viral on social media last week said he passed away. This shocked his fans and Cambodian people. However, after reviewing his social media, we found out the claim was false.


A claim that went viral on social media last week said the Cambodian veteran artist Noy Vanneth – one of the country’s well-known country genre singers – passed away last Saturday.

The claim had been widely shared on social media, and many Khmer-speaking Facebook users expressed their reactions and shock following the circulation of the claim.

Below is the capture of the claim circulated on social media on February 10, 2024, saying “My condolence and rest in peace Noy Vanneth …”

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Below is another capture of the claim by another Facebook user who originally made the claim on social media last week.

Archived Link

The news piece was also reported by a local media outlet’s website, getting a lot of shares and reactions from Facebook users.

Below is the capture of the claim which was shared on social media by a Facebook user.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

The claim was circulated on TikTok too. It got a lot of shares, reactions, and comments as well.

TikTok | Archived Link


Fact Crescendo Cambodia began debunking the claim above by interviewing the Cambodian artist and those acknowledge the veteran singer. Then, we found out the facts below.

After the claim went viral on social media, Fact Crescendo Cambodia tried to reach out for comments from the artist Noy Vanneth, but he yet replied to our inquiry.

By reviewing his personal Facebook account, we discovered his video live on Saturday last week, saying the claim is “fake news” about him.

In the video lived on his Facebook account, Noy Vanneth said he was fine, saying this was not like the claim spreading on social media.

Below is the full video of Noy Vanneth clarification lived on his personal Facebook account on Saturday last week.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Vanneth also dismissed the claim in a Facebook post on his Facebook page, urging social media users not to be misled by the fake news.

Below is the capture of Vanneth’s clarification circulated on his Facebook page last Saturday.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

The President of the Cambodian Volunteer Artists for Society Heng Long also dismissed the claim in his Facebook post on last Saturday.

Facebook Post | Archived Link


Fact Crescendo Cambodia found out the claim mentioned earlier is false. In fact, the Cambodian veteran artist Noy Vanneth is still alive and fine. He dismissed the claim, saying it was “fake news.”


Title:A Veteran Artist Noy Vanneth Still Alive

Written By: Jay Udom

Result: False