A recent claim going viral on social media said a U.S.-based journalist Taing Sarada – a news anchor for an online media The Cambodia Daily Khmer – had apologized to a Cambodian Oknha Leng Navatra after he exposed an investigative report about a money laundering scam. The claim had been widely shared on social media since last week, and many unidentified Facebook users commented on the post. After a direct talk with Taing Sarada, we found the claim is false.

Social Media Claim

A claim circulated by a Facebook user said Taing Sarada – a U.S.-based news anchor for the online media The Cambodia Daily Khmer – expressed his apology to Leng Navatra – a Cambodian tycoon the media said involved in money laundering for the country’s powerful family.

The claim was exposed on social media by a Facebook account that used Taing Sarada’s name and photo in its profile.

The claim had been widely shared on social media as many unidentified Facebook users reacted and commented on the post.

Below is the capture of the post exposed on social media on February 11, 2023:

“I would like to inform all brothers and sisters in Cambodia and living overseas that:

My name is Taing Sarada, Editor-in-Chief of The Cambodia Daily Khmer, an American private company.

I and my team would like to express my apology to Oknha Leng Navatra – Chairman of Galaxy Navatra Group Co., Ltd for all mistakes I had made, especially a report alleging Oknha because I have not had clear information from inside Cambodia and no thorough consideration. This has misled the public, and discredited his image as well as all employees of the company. […]”

Facebook Post | Archived Link

The claim had been published by some local media it was circulated on social media. The full report is here or archived here.

Below is a video report published by CPNT Online early this week after a Facebook post said the U.S.-based journalist apologized the tycoon.


The capture below shows how viral the claim is in recent days.

Fact Check

Fact Crescendo Cambodia began checking the claim above by directly talking with the journalist. Then, we found the facts below.

Fact Crescendo Cambodia had a phone call with Taing Sarada who said a Facebook account used his name and photos in the profile is a fake one, adding the claim is not originally from him.

Sarada said his person Facebook account had also denied the claim, saying many unidentified Facebook accounts had been created by using his name and photos in the profile.

The news anchor clarified he had never written any caption apologizing to Oknha Leng Navatra after he exposed the tycoon involved in money laundering for the country’s powerful family.

Below is the capture of the caption Sarada posted on his Facebook account on last Sunday.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

On February 08, Sarada also circulated another post saying creating fake Facebook accounts was not an effective way to manipulate the report. The full caption is here or archived here.

The Cambodia Daily Khmer released a report in recent weeks, alleging the tycoon of involving in money laundering scam for the powerful family in Cambodia. See the report below.

Many unidentified Facebook users have harassed the journalist after the report was released.


Fact Crescendo Cambodia found the claim mentioned above is false. The claim was created by a fake Facebook account. The U.S.-based journalist clarified he has never apologized Leng Navatra and that many unidentified Facebook accounts have been created in recent weeks by using his name and photos in the profile.


Title:Did A Journalist Apologize to a Tycoon Following Exposing Money Laundering?

Fact Check By: Jay Udom

Result: False