After Hun Manet took over as Prime Minister from his father, a claim that is exploding on social media claims that the new Cambodian Prime Minister hung a photo of former Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh in his office. This photo has been widely shared and commented on by many social media users recently. However, Fact Crescendo Cambodia’s fact-finding found that the photo was digitally altered.

Social Media Claim

A photo showing a photo of the founder of socialist Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, in the office of Cambodia’s new Prime Minister Hun Manet was posted on social media yesterday. This photo was also posted with the claim that Hun Manet hung a photo of Ho Chi Minh in his office after he officially took office as Prime Minister.

Photos with this claim were shared, along with mixed reactions and comments from Facebook-speaking Khmers. The following is a snapshot captured from the Facebook user’s post that states, “Our Cambodian brothers and sisters, help look; this has been up for just two days”.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Such photos have also been posted and found by many Facebook users. You may refer to and see the claim via the link here (archived link), or a link here (archived link), and another link here (archived link).

Fact Check

Fact Crescendo Cambodia reviewed and verified the above claim through the Google Reverse Image Search process, which led us to find the following facts:

An exact photo of the same form and shape in the office of the new Prime Minister Hun Manet was found and posted on his own official Facebook page on August 24, 2023. The photo above shows the portraits of Samdech Ta, Samdech Yeay, and the King of Cambodia, Samdech Preah Norodom Sihamoni, behind the Prime Minister’s desk.

Below is a snippet captured from the above Facebook page that reads in Khmer or translates in English as “The first day in the office. New things”.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Also, a photo of Hun Manet sitting in his new office at the Peace Palace was published on the website of Fresh News (archived link) on the evening of August 24. The following is a comparison photo between the edited photo and the original photo that was found and published on social media.

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You may find the details of this fact-check in Khmer language here as well.


Fact Crescendo Cambodia found that the photos posted by the above users were altered. The photo in Hun Manet’s office was the group photo of the Cambodian royal family.


Title:A Wall Photo in the Office of Hun Manet Altered

Written By: Kakada Sim

Result: Altered