Many photos and videos of natural landscapes have been posted and shared on social media, including fake and real ones. Meanwhile, a photo showing a beautiful bear-shaped mountain was posted on a Facebook page recently. It was reacted with mixed comments and shared by many social media users. However, after running a Google Reverse Image, it proves that the photo above was altered.

This is about our investigation of this photo.

Social Media Claim

On January 24, 2022, one of the Facebook pages called Cambodia Life posted a photo showing a mountain in the shape of a bear. This photo has been mixed with reactions and reshared tens of thousands of times on social media recently. The above photo may be believed as the real photo as there are numbers and multiple reactions being shared on social media. The following screenshot was captured from the Facebook page above that reads in English as “Beautiful! It should be called bear Island ”.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Fact Check

Fact Crescendo Cambodia had started to check and verify this photo directly by running a Google Reverse Image search, which brought us to the sources containing the following photos.

A photo of the exact same shape and form was found on the Amica Moda website. This website also stated the location of this beautiful mountain in English as​ “Another highlight of the place is the beautiful view of the Bear Mountain or Ayu-Dag”.

Amica Moda Link | Archived Link

The Across Russia website also provides details on its website about the photo which was written in English​ as “Bear Mountain (Crimean Tatar: Ayu-Dag) is one of the most recognizable symbols of the Southern coast of Crimea. The name alludes to the mountain's resemblance to a huge bear, bending over to the sea and drinking water. People knew this place since ancient times. One theory is that the mountain is that same cape Parthenion, referred to by the Greek geographer Strabo as the site of the temple of the Taurian goddess Virgo”.

Across Russia Link | Archived Link

The above case was also verified by the AFP team on March 21, 2020. The following is a comparison of photos shared by the Facebook user and its original photo.

AFP Report | Archived Link

Similarly, according to the Google Map website, the Fact Crescendo Cambodia team has found that this view of Ayu-Dag Mountain is located in the Crimea of ​​Russia and does not show an exact shape of bear at all.

Google Map | Archived Link

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You may find the details of this fact-check in Khmer language here as well.


Fact Crescendo Cambodia has found that the photo posted and claimed by the above Facebook page was altered. It had been edited before it was posted on social media. This photo factually is known as Ayu-Dag which is located in Crimea, Russia. This does not show the exact shape of the bear unlike claimed at all.


Title:​Mountain Shaped Like a Bear Altered

Fact Check By: Kakada Sim

Result: Altered