Last week, it was reported that a well-known Facebook celebrity Pheng Vannak had been remanded in custody holding two charges. This piece of news has been widely shared and expressed by Cambodian Facebook users. However, Fact Crescendo Cambodia found this claim to be incorrect.

Social Media Claim

One of the local news websites reported last week that well-known Facebook celebrity Pheng Vannak has been detained and arrested with two charges, which carry a maximum sentence of two years in prison. This information has been shared on social media and has been shared many times by Facebook users, along with various expressions and reactions.

The following is a screenshot image captured from the Facebook page posted a few days ago which translated in English as “Hot Update: Pheng Vanna was detained by the court and charged in 2 cases”.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

The same claim was also found and published by 24 Hot Topic on March 16, 2023 recently.

24 Hot Topic Link | Archived Link

Fact Check

Fact Crescendo Cambodia started to check the above images and claims through the Google Reverse Image search that leads us to find the following facts.

A photo of the exact same form and shape was found and published on Cambodia Express News (CEN) on April 3, 2019, stated in its report that Phnom Penh Municipal Court investigating judge charges Pheng Vannak with “Incitement to commit a crime in particular, and public defamation”.

Cambodia Express News Report | Archived Link

On his personal Facebook page last Thursday, Pheng Vannak also denied the news, stating that he was not detailed nor arrested by the police authority at all. He also added to the claim that how could he be able to respond if he has been arrested.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

A similar claim was made and verified by Fact Crescendo Cambodia as well in July. 2022, which we found that the claim was misleading. Read more details here.

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You may find the details of this fact-check in Khmer language here as well.


Fact Crescendo Cambodia has found that the information and claim described above is false. The scene of Pheng Vannak being detained by the authorities is an old photo that has been taken since 2019 and currently he’s not arrested at all.


Title:An Old News of Pheng Vannak’s Arrest Falsely Recirculated

Fact Check By: Kakada Sim

Result: False